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  • Writer's pictureScott Johnson

"Go Down, Roadrunner!"

Matt was a mess from the start! He didn't find trouble so much as trouble found him. He was smart as a whip but was dyslexic, and had lots of difficulty reading. Matt had an uncanny ability with animals and was forever dragging home stray dogs, adopting feral cats or rescuing baby birds that had fallen from nests. Matt had mice, lizards, rabbits, chickens, pigeons and for awhile had a Ferret named Weezer. When we were kids we had a big yellow tomcat named "Roadrunner" who had an unusually sweet disposition and tolerated much abuse by the three of us boys. Roadrunner shrugged it off, and always came back for more. Oh, let me add that Matt was also strangely fixated on toilets. Everything got flushed down by Matt. More on that later! One day, Mamma noticed that Matt had been in the bathroom for an unusually long time. She heard the toilet flush, then flush again. She knew Matt was playing with the toilet again, and instinctively grabbed the toilet plunger to dislodge the entire roll of toilet paper that was probably stuck. Matt would roll off some toilet paper and stick it in the toilet then flush, and giggle gleefully as the paper unwound from the roll as the toilet sucked it down. I told you he was a mess! Mamma flung the door open and gasped at the scene. Poor old Roadrunner was in the toilet bowl, soaking wet and clawing at the rim. Matt had one hand on him and the other on the toilet handle and was saying "Go down, Roadrunner! Go down!" Roadrunner looked beyond pitiful as he clung to the rim with a death grip, unable to get his claws to hook into the porcelain. Matt never offered an explanation to his motive that day. What was going through his three year old mind remains unknown, but Roadrunner decided he liked the yard much better than the house from that day forward, and set up housekeeping in Daddy's shop. I developed a great pity for that poor cat, and he fostered my lifelong love of felines. Have a rice day, all y'all

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